I’m back for a moment! It has been too long since I’ve had a moment to sit down and really think about something outside of medicine. Even with this post, it still has a little to do with medicine. This one is for my followers of faith out there and myself.  Once people began to take COVID-19 seriously and all our lives flipped upside down, I really started to pray for God to take it all away. Get rid of the new life changes, school issues, stressful situations, risky environments, just all of it.  I’ve come to realize I think I’ve been looking at it from the wrong angle. Would I like for COVID-19 to just disappear, never infect a single person, and never come back? Of course. However, within the last few days my perspective has shifted.

I’ve been studying as I usually do but given the added stress of life right now, I’ve decided to incorporate some worship music every so often when I’m studying something less strenuous. I’m sure many of you know the song Our Father by Bethel Music. If you haven’t heard it, I highly recommend just clicking out of this and listening to that song, you’d definitely get more out of that. If you are still reading this though, the song hit me in a way that my other songs shuffling hadn’t. I literally stopped studying (which I never do for a song LOL) and just listened. I later decided that day that I was going to start reading an enjoyable book in addition to the other things I read. I chose: It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way by Lysa Terkeurst the title just seemed fitting given life for everyone right now and addressing some other areas of my life that are just frustrating right now.  I HIGHLY recommend reading it. I wasn’t even 50 pages in and next thing you know she starts referencing the Lord’s Prayer …basically just like the song I had been listening to. Let me just say the Lord has been working on me you guys. Lastly, I decided to go to my roommate’s families house for dinner last night and I look up on the wall and there was The Lord’s Prayer again. I CANNOT MAKE THIS STUFF UP.  That has just been THROWN in my face these last 2 days which may sound insignificant to some but you just had to be here LOL… after more thought and prayer it has led me to the final paragraph of this post. *Anyone who is still reading, gets happy*

I want to be like oh my goodness there are so many signs God is trying to send me. He is really moving now! I do think He’s trying to get me to listen up. However, I think He has been this way for a very long time. It is just that some of us now are forced to slow down. We aren’t going to work, can’t run off and do errands, can’t call up friends to hang out with to just relax and talk. It’s almost like this quiet time, time of aloneness has made some of us (me) open our eyes more to Him and His Spirit whether we wanted to initially or not. So with my eyes more open and aware of what He is trying to do, I feel personally like He is not calling me to sit in my prayer closet and only pray this away. He is calling me to pray His Will, His Plan, His Way over all of this. Not mine. Regardless of my thoughts on what would make this better, what I would do, what I would like to see happen. I trust Him and I trust His Plan for my life and everything. So now my prayer has shifted to something like: Lord I choose to pray Your Will over all of this. Whatever that looks like, I’m here for it. I’m not going to assume you’re not moving just because You’re not moving the way I want You to. Please protect everyone involved in this and quick healing for those who are ill. Lord show me my part in this, use me as You see fit in this whole puzzle. My eyes and ears are open to You and what You’re trying to show me. Yours is the kingdom. Yours is the power. Yours is the glory forever, amen.